Pixel art

I created my name and Pizza,also the google chrome logo, a heart , a jellyfish and an ice block.

I chose pixel art pictures and copied them onto the grid on google sheets.  After a while I got quite quick at it.

My tip is make sure you have enough space to put your whole name or picture in.

Do you think you will finish yours?

The Shark

My story is about a girl at the waterpark.  She flies off the side of the slide into the sea and is gobbled up by a shark.

I made it by using a slide and a character with two different backgrounds and a character. By shifting the character little by little it starts to move as you push the button.

Having a surprise at the end is always good fun, and nobody expects it.

Did it give you a surprise?

Fish art using polyline

Today I created a Polyline fish art. 

I made this by finding a picture online which had to be a photo of a sea creature, I chose a fish. Then we traced the outline with a polyline and then we did lots of shapes inside and next I will colour the shapes all different colours.

A problem I had was… I kept on double clicking which means you have to restart your polyline again otherwise it does not join up. I solved this by…persevering until I got it right.

My tips about using the polyline tool in Google Drawing are: Zooming in on the image makes things easier.

What colours should I make my fish?


About Me!


I hope you like my ´all about me´ poster. I hope you like the pictures that I inserted.

I have been learning how to create blogs with appropriate content for sharing.

  • Do you like my poster?

Rotaitional Symmetry

rotation. Also other things you can do with shapes like reflection – it”s a mirror image of the shape.

I have created a slide with patterns include my avatar that I made on Pixton.


I made it by Using lots of the same image and repeating it so it was reflecting and rotating.


Something that was quite challenging was 

getting them exactly the same.Do you like how I made it?

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